Do you want to start offering intensives in your practice but don’t have a clue what to do or how to begin?

You’ve seen the benefits of intensives firsthand – how they can change the trajectory of treatment and transform suffering into awareness and trauma into serenity.

And you’ve heard how lucrative they are.

You know you’d be great at facilitating an intensive, once you actually know what you’re doing. Yet something is holding you back from jumping in.

What if…

• You aren’t able to facilitate a whole intensive? 

• You’re not experienced enough? 

• Your marketing efforts fail to attract attendees? 

• Your participants need a higher level of care?

• You’re overwhelmed by the administrative prep?

 Hi! I’m Allan J. Katz, LPC-S/CSAT. Two years ago, I was a sex addiction therapist looking to offer intensives too – and I had all of those fears.

Yet I knew this was an important path forward for my practice, and I was determined to make it happen. I combined the successful elements of workshops, trainings, and intensives I’d attended myself, along with a good deal of research and organization. Those elements helped me personally expand my private practice to become a more confident clinician. I even wrote a book entitled Experiential Group Therapy Interventions with DBT: A 30-day program for treating addiction and trauma.

I took the next step and have personally facilitated over ten intensives in the last two years. The results speak for themselves:

“A bonding experience I’ll never forget”

What an amazing Experience.  I was able to dig deeper into the root cause of my addiction.  I learned how to process emotions on a level that I have never been able to achieve by myself.  I laughed, cried, frowned, and smiled.  It was a bonding experience that I will never forget.  I went into the intensive sad and down, and I left a happy man with a better understanding of myself.

Group therapy on steroids”

The intensive was exactly what I needed. I was very apprehensive, but it was very helpful.  Most of all it helped me understand where my addiction comes from.  The exercises seemed silly at first but they yield powerful results. It was group therapy on steroids.   B.T.

 Group work has always been one of my passions, so I took all my hard work and the lessons I’ve learned and put them together in an easy-to-use format so you can offer intensives also to enhance your practice.  I want every therapist to have the tools, itinerary, resources, and handouts to be able to facilitate a successful group intensive.

 Step-by-Step Guidance and Exercises

Intensive Prep in a Box for Clinicians gives you everything you need to facilitate a successful group intensive for addicts, partners, and couples.


1. A comprehensive itinerary of the intensive with color-coded sections to help you stay focused on therapy without worrying about next steps.

2. A 32-page Participant’s Manual ready to hand out to group members, to springboard discussions, warm-ups, and exercises.

3. A comprehensive recovery plan to facilitate a successful path to lasting sobriety.

4. Detailed experiential exercises to facilitate group cohesion and trauma work.

5. Extensive video resources by leading experts based on themes of addiction, shame, trauma, and betrayal to mix and match depending on the makeup of your group.

That’s Not All…

Coaching & Training (A $250-$500 value)

Within 1 month of your purchase, you’re eligible for…

1 hour
of one-on-one coaching
for the individual OR couples edition

2 hours
of one-on-one coaching
for BOTH editions

This is your time to absorb the material and get support to allay any fears you might have in taking a step toward expanding your practice. Ask questions, customize your presentation, and feel confident that you have all the tools you need to facilitate a successful group intensive.

PLUS: You’ll also get private access to periodic webinars with expert guests, where you can share experiences, ask questions, and get feedback from other clinicians using this guide.

Here's What's Different About Intensive in a Box

Addiction/Trauma Focus

The examples in this complete guide include inner child work and how childhood trauma leads to addiction. You’ll have detailed experiential examples to help clients work on reducing their trauma responses, understand addiction, and develop the tools and a treatment plan for successful recovery.

Customizable Program

This package has a complete set of examples and exercises I use to conduct successful intensives, including handouts and program itinerary. You can pick and choose which resources and tools fit your clients’ needs and adapt the materials to create a custom program that’s more likely to be successful for your specific clientele.

Broad Application for all types of addictions and trauma

Most addictions are rooted in inner child issues and trauma. Therefore, while the examples in this package are centered around sex, porn and love addiction, you can apply the strategies and tools to help individuals with all types of addictions. You can also service couples suffering from betrayal trauma.

Here’s what attendees say…

Thanks for an amazing 3 days.   You created an open and judgement-free zone for healing and recovery.  I got to the root of my addiction, of being entitled, and the shameful messages I’ve believed about myself. I was able to get the tools and skills I needed to get sober.  THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE … R. R.

This intensive therapy session was the most beneficial & helpful therapy I’ve ever had.  I was able to get out of me what I had been wanting to do for years but was not able to do. I appreciate everything I got from it….  S.C.

Very personable and knowledgeable.  Allan made me feel comfortable being vulnerable – which is something I struggle withD.T.

Imagine how your practice could be different,

if you could only…

• Know exactly how to run an intensive – from marketing to administration to scheduling

• Have all the tools, materials and exercises ready-to-go at your fingertips.

• Get access to a professional coach who’s been in your shoes to guide you and answer all your questions

• Build true confidence in yourself and your ability to lead intensives (instead of hoping and guessing)

• Develop your expertise so your intensives help people understand what is holding them back and finally break free.

What about the money?

It’s no secret that intensives can help you grow your income.

I charge $1997 per person for a 3-day group intensive.

If you run 4 intensives a year with 3 attendees each time, you’ll take in $23,964.

If you run 4 intensives a year, with 4 attendees each time, you will take in $31,952.

Imagine accelerating your income by another $25,000-$30,000!


OK, already.  How much is this going to cost? 

This fully organized, information-packed Complete Guide – with itinerary, handouts, videos, and exercises – would easily be worth the $1997 I charge 1 person to attend the intensive. To put a guide like this together for yourself would cost you hundreds of dollars and take hours of your time when you can be seeing clients. It’s impossible to put a value on the confidence and pride (not to mention earning potential) of expanding your expertise and growing your practice.

But you won’t have to pay $1,997 for this Intensive Prep in a Box.

For a limited time, get one edition (individual OR couples) of the Complete Guide, with all the tools and resources above, plus 1 hour of coaching (a $1250 value) for just $795.  And for just $200 more you get both the individual and couples editions and 2 hours of coaching for $995. 

And that’s not all…  

When you order now, you’ll also receive the following THREE BONUSES…


For both individual and couples editions


BONUS #1: Marketing flyers, E-mail copy and social media posts to sell your intensives to current clients and attract new prospects.

BONUS #2: A complete power point presentation outlining the order and specific elements of the intensive to guide you in customizing your presentation.

BONUS #3: Flip Chart Posters to use during intensive to illustrate relapse prevention, inner child work, and group rules.


A quick rundown of what you get:

• A comprehensive itinerary of the intensive with color-coded sections to help you stay focused on therapy without worrying about next steps.

• A 32-page Participant’s Manual ready to hand out to group members, to springboard discussions, warm-ups and exercises.

• A comprehensive recovery plan to facilitate a successful path to lasting sobriety.

• Detailed experiential exercises to facilitate group cohesion and trauma work.

• Extensive video resources by leading experts based on themes of addiction, shame, trauma, and betrayal to mix and match depending on the makeup of your group.


Again, you get all of the information above, plus 1-2 hours of coaching and 3 bonuses (a $1250 value) for just $795.  $995 for both individual & couples editions, PLUS 3 BONUSES.

I look forward to working with you and helping you succeed in expanding your practice.


Allan J. Katz, LPC/CSAT


Sure, you could do all the research and organization and put together your own intensive and supplementary materials. You’re a trained therapist – you’d get there, eventually.  Your time is a lot more valuable.

But how long would it take? And how many mistakes would you make along the way?

I’ve done the hard work for you already. Get the tools you need to get started running successful intensives today and expand your practice by $25,000-$30,000 or more.